Sunday, July 3, 2011

What is Buddhism?8

What is meditation?

Meditation refers to the mental activity of sustainingconscious awareness on one thing, perception,
concept,process or sensation.This may be, for example, theprocess of breathing, an external object,
the conceptand emotion of loving-kindness,a meaningful word,a physical sensation or the perception
of impermanence Meditation can be done in any posture, but the mostcommon ones are sitting
cross-legged and walking backand forth. As mindful attention becomes increasingly continuous, the
dispersed and distracted energy of themind becomes more focused and clear. The act of sustaining
awareness calms and soothes both the body and mind, while the focusing of attention energizes and
brightens the mind.
The deeper the meditation becomes, the more quiet, still and blissful one feels.This cleansed and
purified awareness, developed through repeated training, yields extraordinary clarity of mind. One
begins to see things as they truly are,beyound the limitations of conditioned perceptions and habitual
thought patterns.As one sees clearly, wisdom isborn,and thus serenity and insight form an inseparable
pair that are gradually cultivated through meditation.
(to be continued.....)

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